Characteristics, techniques, benefits and drawbacks of Fidelity Types
Low-fidelity prototyping is a type of prototyping that involves creating simple, low-detail representations of a product or system. These prototypes are often created using paper or other low-cost materials and are typically used in the early stages of the design process to explore ideas and test basic functionality. Here are some characteristics, techniques, benefits, and drawbacks of low-fidelity prototyping: Characteristics: Low-fidelity prototypes are simple and easy to create. They are often created quickly, allowing for rapid iteration and exploration of design ideas. They are typically low-detail, meaning that they do not include all of the features and functionality of the final product or system. They are often created using low-cost materials, such as paper or cardboard. Techniques: Sketching: Drawing out ideas and designs on paper, whiteboards, or other surfaces. Paper prototyping: Creating paper-based representations of a product or system, often using templates or stencils...